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The Truth About Atheism

It seems to me, in America, we seem to have names for everything. If you can describe an idea, and another person can understand what you are talking about, then it is time to give that idea a name. Behind the billboard that is the word, there is the true breadth of the idea known as the definition. What it takes to truly define an idea, it seems will always be debatable, as much diversity of ideas that there is, there is even more diverse approaches to developing the definitions of the ideas. To paraphrase Spinoza, that which contains the most reality, is the most difficult to define. Given the idea that the more complex the idea is, the more difficult it is to define, “God” becomes the most unattainable concept to define, because “God” is seen as encompassing everything. Since it is impossible to define the concept of “God”, the idea shifts as the flavor of the paradigm in which we live at certain times shifts. We as humans are very limited in our imaginations, in that we build everything we know, and can know off of our personal academics and whatever chance scenarios that happen to us in the geographic locations, and time periods in which we live. What I want to show is the reasoning behind my idea that the Theist defines Atheism. The Theist is the true Atheist, and the person who is labeled as an “actual” Atheist is really just the person who follows the bread crumbs set out by the Theists themselves leading to their disintegration. First we will talk about the difference between Atheism, and Anti-Theism. What are the drives? Second, I would like to discuss why the Theist is the true Atheist, and lastly, I would like to present a new way of thinking. I would like to bring forward the idea that people can just live their lives, without being forced to answer the question, “Do you believe in God?” For too long we have been pressured into believing that a choice must be made, and I would like to make the argument that it just is not true.

The American Heritage dictionary defines Atheism as: The disbelief in, or the denial of the existence of God. I think, without too much dispute Theists would agree. Since the drive of this discourse rests on the Theist, if the Theist agrees with that definition of “Atheist”, then, the “Atheist” also agrees, as we will see. Now, what is the difference between Atheism, and Anti-Theism? First I would like to put forward the premise that Theology is based on a diametric scale. Theists believe in “black and white”, there is no “gray”, and to be clear, I’m speaking more about Judeo Christian, and Islamic ideals, and less about Buddhism and Hinduism, though, ultimately the diametric opposition I am speaking about is the opposition between “good” and “evil”. Granted, as religion has grown, more enlightened religious people understand there is more than thesis and anti-thesis, there is Didactic Arguments, Dialectic Arguments, Examination Arguments, and Contentious Arguments. Ultimately, there is plenty of “gray” to be found if you free yourself to listen. I am addressing those who believe that everything has a right and a wrong decision, and usually they believe they are the ones who always make the right decisions. These are the people who define what it is to be an Atheist, because, as they define their “God”, their Theology, they indirectly define what should be done to disintegrate their position. Now, Anti-Theism is my creation. I’m throwing the Theists a bone here, because originally my goal was to give the Theists the “Atheist” label all together, but that would not be entirely consistent with dialectical reasoning. The Theists provide the modern rubric by which they define God, and how they live their lives, and indirectly they define Anti-Theism. They are, in essence, defining the space in which Atheism exists. Then, a person outside of the Theist camp, but still willing to participate on the theological paradigm, steps in to the space to work toward disintegration of theism. That is what a true Anti-Theist does. They work against Theists.

So, ultimately to say that the “Atheist” does not believe in a God is an oversimplification put forward by those who do believe in a God. How can somebody not believe in something they do not believe exists? It makes no sense. The changing definition of what “God” is, and what it takes to live a believer’s life is defined by those putting forward the modern interpretations in relevance to the modern time period. So, my endpoint is this:

There is no real Atheist. The Theist perpetuates the idea of the Anti-Theist indirectly to complete its own diametrically opposed paradigm, then a person who opposes the Theist works to disintegrate them. The Theist lays the framework for that.

So, I would like to close with what I believe is the most important concept to emerge from this proper separation, and re-defining of terms. You can live your life outside of the Theological scale, and be a productive, moral person. You do not have to have the labels “believer”, or “non-believer”, “Theist”, or “Atheist”. If you want to believe, then believe. If you do not want to believe, then just live your life. If you want to attack those who believe with harsh polemics, then do so, and if those who believe want to attack you, and you have pushed on their diametrically opposed scale then so be it. But, if you are a believer, do not make the grave mistake of believing that anybody who does not believe like you is a non-believer, or Atheist. Do not make this most terrible and arrogant assumption. This is the folly of human nature, whether it be in religion, politics, business or in the public sphere. Humans are terribly sick, in that they always believe that which they are doing as individuals is always the right thing. This is my warning to believers, as we move forward in time, you better pull up your frock and realize the small place that will be left for you to exist. People find truth and beauty in Theology, and I do not believe any reasonable academic would desire the annihilation of it, but for too long believers have abused the ground in which they have walked, and as the truth becomes more and more apparent, I “believe” the universe will have its say in a forced humbling of the otherwise belligerent and judgmental “believers”.


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